This product has been developed to offer financial assistance to students enrolled in Higher Education Programs. Currently, MCB Bank has formed a partnership with Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and is offering Student Personal Loans to all MBA and Executive MBA students of the University.
Minimum 21 years and maximum 45 years at the time of loan/first trance approval
Generally, the student meeting the following criteria shall be eligible for the loan:
Maximum 80:20 of only Admission, Registration, Tuition, On-Campus Residence, and any other part/head/item of the fees that is payable in advance by the student to LUMS
Moreover, the loan shall not cover any amount that is refundable to the student later on.
Maximum loan repayment tenor shall be 7 years from the date the loan becomes repayable including grace period of 6 months for all programs.
The pricing of all the programs will be 6M KIBOR only.
Maximum PKR 1 million only
For Further details, dial 111-000-622 for Call Center and/or you may also dial 042-35987979 for our Consumer Helpdesk.
Note:All loans shall be processed and approved as per MCB Bank Limited sole discretion in accordance with regulations and Bank’s approved policies and procedures.
*Terms and conditions apply
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