Buckle up! Your relationship with your traditional bank account is about to radically change and transform. Earlier, you used to dip into your bank account a few times a month or a week but now our goal is to compress the payment activity that you earlier conducted over several weeks into a single day. In other words, we want you to dip into your Mobile Wallet several times a day and make everyday payments and control your finances through the use of your smartphone coupled with the Visa branded plastic.
Our previous work in this space has taught us that instilling this new type of digital payment behavior demands that you are able to make payments at the speed of thought i.e. payments must be executed within a minute or two of the initial thought of actually making the particular payment in question. Not only this, but we have also learned that making payments and accessing money digitally must not cost anything or in other words, payment events should not be priced.
Keeping these powerful insights in mind, we have designed Lite (pass it on) in such a way that the payments innovation allows you to hold on to your money till the last moment. And when you do need to pay (and if you so choose) you will have the option of paying as little as required in any given instance. Why? Because you would know that you could always pay, buy or transfer more a minute later and that too without much effort or money spent.
It is this unconditional and unlimited ability to make payments free of any bank charges along with the ability to invite anyone to join the Mobile Payments Grid that will allow you to practice the art of just-in-time management of money along with eradicating cash from your own and your inner circle’s lives.
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